Welcome to Not Another White Box!
Whether you’re just finding out about NotAnotherWhiteBox for the first time or whether you’re an avid follower, welcome to the new website!
When I originally built my first NotAnotherWhiteBox website, I had a vision that it would be an active place where I could share all my detailed thoughts and create some really unique content. Unfortunately, the template I was using was restrictive and difficult to use. With declining views and engagement, I decided to take a chance on Squarespace and found it to be a breath of fresh air!
I hope that NotAnotherWhiteBox has finally found a place to thrive as a useful website and interesting blog, and I look forward to bringing regular new content to supplement my YouTube channel and social media platforms.
A reminder to please subscribe to NotAnotherWhiteBox on YouTube: www.youtube.com/notanotherwhitebox and you will find my presence on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.